Events Uncategorized

The Club at the JRC

As part of the “European week of mental health and loneliness,” JRC’s Human Resources Directorate asked cultural clubs to demonstrate their activities. We could not exempt ourselves! On October 12, 2023, our Club answered the call and organized yet another technology gazebo. We brought a lot of equipment and met many colleagues who were interested in the activities. We also distributed our FAQ sheet.

Many people have asked us about the upcoming amateur radio exam preparation course. Fear not, classes will resume in March/April. In the meantime, nothing prohibits you from contacting us to begin to understand what this is all about!



Supreme Command, September 27, 2023, 12 noon; War Bulletin no. 1268.
The war against bureaucracy that the JRC Radio Club, inferior in numbers and means, began on October 25, 2022, and with unwavering faith and tenacious valor waged uninterruptedly and bitterly for 48 weeks, is won!
..All kidding aside, as you may have guessed we got the go-ahead to install the station antenna!

Stay tuned… in every sense of the word!!!

Assistances Uncategorized

Assistance to the “Gran Fondo Tre Valli Varesine”

Once again this year our valiant members cooperated in the success of the famous Gran Fondo bicycle race. The competition was held on October 1, 2023. Many members participated from the operations center, and some with the usual gazebos along the route, providing radio support to the organization. The weather was kind and the propagation propitious. Finally, everything was enlivened by homemade flatbreads with bologna, cold beer and more!

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Civil Protection drills in the Varese province

On November 24, 2023, tests were held, organized by the friends of Ari Varese, of the radio systems installed in the municipalities of the province. Once again many of us contributed to the successful outcome of the exercises by going out to activate stations in various municipalities around the province. This year the rehearsals will be in two tranches, and we hope that for the second tranche (scheduled for next December 18) we will be able to use our station as well!!!

On this occasion, regional RAI did a report that we invite you to watch.


JRC Culture Festival Report

On June 24 and 25, 2023, we took part in the JRC Culture Festival, with a very, very high-tech gazebo, equipped with HF radios, VHF, UHF, DMR, ARDF, SDR, and so on!

We were strategically positioned at the entrance to the Club House, intercepting many curious onlookers while meanwhile making radio connections with many parts of Europe.

Nine Club members took turns at the post, we had many laughs and all learned something from each other.

The photos were taken by brave Jose, whom we thank again for organizing!

Events Uncategorized

JRC Culture Festival 2023

On June 24 and 25, 2023, our Club will take part in the JRC Culture Festival, with a very, very high-tech gazebo, equipped with HF, VHF, UHF, DMR, ARDF, SDR radios, you name it!

As the only (we emphasize the only) JRC Club dealing with science and technology, we will try to keep up the JRC tradition in these fields.

For amateur radio friends who would like to contact us, we will be active in DMR with our callsigns on the Sasso del Ferro repeater, or in 20 meters at 14124 khz as IQ2XH.

We invite members and sympathizers to contact us or visit us “vertically” (pseudoradioamateur slang for “in person”) 🙂

Events Uncategorized

Amateur Radio Course 2023

On Wednesday, April 12, 2023, at 9 p.m., at the ARI headquarters in Largo Gigli 2 in Varese, the new course for the amateur radio exam starts.

The instructor will be our member and colleague Eng. Claudio Bergonzi IK2YWN of the JRC Radio Club.

The course aims to prepare future radio amateurs to pass the ministerial test, which is required by law and will be held in Milan at the regional headquarters of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (MIMIT).

Participants will be provided with a background knowledge of radio phenomena, the regulations governing radio communications and amateur radio service, and all the basic operating concepts that an amateur radio operator needs to know.

The topics will be explained in a simple and easy-to-understand way for everyone to pass the theory exam and become a full-fledged amateur radio operator.

Please contact us for more information!


We are affiliated with ARI!

A few days ago news reached us that our official application for membership in the Italian Amateur Radio Association has been granted.

On a practical level it changes very little. Many of us are already extremely active on “both fronts,” pursuing this engaging and varied hobby.

On behalf of the Club, we would like to thank ARI for this recognition, which motivates us to share, with even more determination, the beauty of this passion of ours.

Events Uncategorized

EUDX Contest Participation.

The JRC Radio Club couldn’t help but participate in an amateur radio contest entitled European Union DX!

The EUDX Contest is a worldwide competition organized to promote radio contacts among radio amateurs in the EU and beyond. This year’s competition took place on February 4-5 and was facilitated by excellent ionospheric propagation on the high-frequency bands, which also allowed many contacts on the high bands (i.e., 21 and 28 MHz).

Michele IZ1POA and Francesco IK2VXT of the JRC Radio Club joined friends from radio station IQ1RF in Chieri to participate in the contest. IQ1RF is a well-equipped station housed at the Civil Defense facility in Chieri (near Turin). The station, operated by Sergio IW1FSQ, has multiple directional antenna systems mounted on steeltowers, while other wire antennas were mounted ad hoc. The Contest rules awarded more points for EU contacts than for an intercontinental contact, so we decided to install low-elevation wired antennas that radiate the signal at a greater angle than top-mounted antennas, with the goal of better coverage of close-range communications.

The competition lasted 24 hours, from 1 p.m. local time on Saturday to 12:59 p.m. on Sunday. We could operate 3 radios at the same time, but since we were competing for the single-transmitter multioperator category, we could only radiate a single signal at a time, so we interlocked the radios to avoid multiple simultaneous transmissions. We started and ended our contest on the high bands, which have better propagation in daylight. During the night we focused on the low bands, 40-80-160m, making sure to contact as many European regions (NUTS2) as possible because each new NUTS2 would work as a multiplier of our score. During the contest contact, we exchanged with the other ham radio operator a signal strength report (usually 59, where readability 5 means perfectly readable, and signal strength 9 means an extremely strong signal), and the NUTS3 code, in our case we would transmit IT14 for Piedmont. During the competition we alternated voice contacts in SSB (sideband) emission and Morse code. We managed to make as many as 933 contacts in all regions of the world, from the Americas to Oceania, scoring a over 9 million points and ranking fourth in the world!

Our setup worked very well…proving once again that it is essential to run well-equipped stations in terms of antenna systems (hear, hear!).

Assistances Uncategorized

Preparation for the “Campo dei Fiori Trail”

Many of our members will participate in radio support of the“Campo dei Fiori Trail” race, a 50km race with 2000mt of elevation gain… serious stuff. The coordination of the race radio stations is delegated to our member Claudio.

Now instead I say to you, sleepy member: if you would like to help us with assistance (and thus also have an excuse not to run) contact us to be attached to one of the gazebos we are organizing!

Flock to it in large numbers. The more radio amateurs enter, the more runners are saved!