Events Uncategorized

FRAM2, here we come!

When we found out that our friends at ARISS were organizing a competition for schools, we offered the Varese European School our support for the FRAM2 competition!

The competition consists in receiving images that will be transmitted from a SpaceX space capsule later this spring, and piece them together like a “puzzle.” This is to be carried out by the students, supported of course by our Radio Club.

To maximize the chances of success, we have formed a team with other educational institutions in Switzerland, Lithuania, California and Pennsylvania, with whom we will exchange images and information.

We will also participate in the European School Varese’s “Science Week” to better prepare students for this activity.

Stay tuned!!


Il contest ARI IAC

…Since, as you may know, our weekly meeting takes place on a Tuesday, and since every first Tuesday of the month there is the ARI IAC (Italian Activity Contest), we decided to dedicate this day to the contest.

This is an excellent opportunity to explain radio competition “netiquette,” operating procedures, “survival” techniques, and more to newcomers.

Moreover, on this occasion many colleagues were able to make their first radio connection (QSO in amateur radio jargon) with great satisfaction and excitement!

We look forward to seeing you every first Tuesday of the month to participate with us!

Events Uncategorized

A new season of our Outreach Evenings

Our outreach evenings are back! The new 2024-2025 season has already covered many interesting topics, but there is still much more to come!

At present we have had the pleasure of organizing these evenings:

  • Niels IU2THY told us all about airplane communication, including a step-by-step overview of a flight from Malpensa to Napoli.
  • Enrico IU2ROK ci ha raccontato “Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere su come parlare con la Stazione Spaziale ma che avevate paura di chiedere”.. una panoramica su come si fa di solito e su come l’abbiamo fatto noi!
  • Vita IU2TJL ci ha parlato dell’Amateur Radio Direction Finding e della sua partecipazione alle ultime gare di “caccia alla volpe” radiofonica!
  • Claudio IK2YWN ci ha fatto una panoramica sui ripetitori radio DMR, UHF e VHF presenti sul territorio varesino e del loro utilizzo per pubblica sicurezza e protezione civile!
  • Stefano IK0NSY ci ha incantato mostrandoci l’evoluzione della tecnologia radio attraverso gli occhi dell’ARRL Handbook nel corso degli ultimi 101 anni!

Le nuove serate in preparazione saranno altrettanto interessanti. Se non l’avete ancora fatto, iscrivetevi alla nostra mailing list per rimanere aggiornati sul programma e sulle nostre iniziative. A presto!


ISS link: completed!

If someone had told us a couple of years ago that we would make a live link to the ISS with just our forces (five founding amateur radio operators) so that a school could talk to its commander… we might not have believed it! Instead, that’s exactly what happened. We pulled it off, after more than a year of preparation, rehearsals, requests, negotiations … and vacation days dedicated to this project!

The emotion was great, and reviewing the video
it becomes evident. The troubles were also many, but with some nonchalance and “poker face” we went ahead anyway!

We have received many compliments, the most welcome being from our friends at ARISS who know well how much complication there is behind such a gig.

We had some media coverage, such as this link e this link.

Now we are not resting on our laurels, we are rolling up our sleeves, and moving forward with the Club’s next crazy initiatives. There are now more than 30 of us – and we have no shortage of ideas and willpower. Prepare to be amazed! B-)


Club Badge for radio assistances!

Thanks to Mauro IU2JPQ, we now have personalized badges for all of our volunteers participating to radio assistances! Not bad, right?


ISS is approaching…

Finally, after almost a year of waiting and preparations, the big day is coming. We have received confirmation that astronaut Sunita Williams KD5PLB, commander of the ISS, will be speaking to the students of the European School of Varese… and this will all take place through the microphones, radios and antennas prepared by the entire Club team who are putting in their efforts and time (and many days off…) to make sure we are ready for this appointment.

We have tested and retested all the equipment several times, and we have found that there are so many things that can go wrong.

We ask everyone to cheer us on so that this can all come to fruition! You will be able to follow the activities here. 73!


Mini Atomiadi 2024

June 16, 2024, we got busy one more time together with our friends from the Joint Running Club for the Mini Atomiadi 2024. There is nothing more exciting than participating in a race and challenging yourself…but this participation can be done in many ways. We have chosen a less strenuous but equally exciting way.

What happens when you organize a running race and want to ensure the safety and well-being of the athletes along the course? That’s where radio assistance comes in, offering support and communication during sporting events. Our network allows organizers and health workers to stay in constant contact to handle any emergencies or unforeseen situations. By now, we are a well-oiled team, also thanks to Max IU2URS and Claudio IK2YWN, who coordinate activities from our radio headquarters.

. We were also able to show off our new operational equipment on this occasion, with high-visibility bibs and new badges (thanks to Mauro IU2JPQ!). See you next time!


An initial review of the outreach evenings

Many of you have already attended some of our outreach evenings. We have talked about so many topics: satellite tracking, digital modes, FT8, VARA, emergency communications, APRS, Digital Mobile Radio, hands-on and non-practical sessions, outdoor activities, POTA.SOTA, IOTA… and you name it 🙂

Now we are also starting to have outside guests (don’t miss the next meeting with Marco IW2OHX!) and the summer break is coming soon, when the evenings will give way to radio activity and then resume in September.

What topics would you like to see covered? Are the evenings too long or too short? Is the beer cool enough?

Let us know! And to stay updated on the latest news, join our mailing list.


Radio Assistance in Cadrezzate

Once again ourJoint Running Club friends masterfully organized a running race, which was held in Cadrezzate, “Corri sul lago” Of course we could not miss it, hoping to contribute to the success of this event!

Being behind the microphone for a charity competition is always rewarding. Even more so when it happens together with many good friends during a beautiful sunny day! See you next time!


Inauguration of the radio room!

In the end it really happened. After almost three years of vicissitudes, we managed to make reality that idea that had materialized in the minds of the first members. We have headquarters, radios and antennas!

In the Azalea Room of the Club House, many friends, members and non-members came to party. After a brief excursus on why to be an amateur radio operator today, and after a concise presentation of the exam preparation course to obtain an amateur radio license, we spent a few moments together at the Club House bar.

We are convinced that the best is yet to come. As usual… stay tuned 🙂