Who we are

We are a group of more than 30 radio amateurs who, for one reason or another, have something to do with the JRC in Ispra (VA). On October 15, 2021, we decided to organize ourselves into an Association, which was then recognized by the COPAS (committee for social activities) of the JRC.

In addition, since March 2023, our club got officially affiliated with ARI, Associazione Radioamatori Italiani, joining the large Italian family of enthusiasts of this fantastic hobby.

We have defined a statute, which has these fixed points:

  • The object of the Association is the practice and propagation of amateur radio activity.
  • The Association is apolitical and non-profit.
  • The Association has as its purpose the development and technological and moral training of its members, through the management of any activity suitable for promoting the knowledge and practice of the amateur radio discipline.
  • The Association is characterized by the democratic nature of the structure, the electivity and free of charge of the membership offices and the services provided by the members, and the mandatory nature of the budget.
  • During the life of the Association, management surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital may not be distributed, even indirectly.
  • The Association must mainly make use of voluntary, personal and free services of its members and cannot hire employees or make use of self-employment services except to ensure the regular functioning of the structures or to qualify and specialize its activities.
  • The Association unconditionally accepts to comply with the regulations governing the radio activity in Italy, which therefore form an integral part of this Statute.