
ISS link: completed!

If someone had told us a couple of years ago that we would make a live link to the ISS with just our forces (five founding amateur radio operators) so that a school could talk to its commander… we might not have believed it! Instead, that’s exactly what happened. We pulled it off, after more than a year of preparation, rehearsals, requests, negotiations … and vacation days dedicated to this project!

The emotion was great, and reviewing the video
it becomes evident. The troubles were also many, but with some nonchalance and “poker face” we went ahead anyway!

We have received many compliments, the most welcome being from our friends at ARISS who know well how much complication there is behind such a gig.

We had some media coverage, such as this link e this link.

Now we are not resting on our laurels, we are rolling up our sleeves, and moving forward with the Club’s next crazy initiatives. There are now more than 30 of us – and we have no shortage of ideas and willpower. Prepare to be amazed! B-)